The Vision of a Whole People

James Turner & Iraj Nouraie

In an interwoven way, this book explores the sources of Persian carpet designs in Greek metaphysical philosophy, Islamic mysticism or Sufism, Shi’a Islam and Iranian folk beliefs. The influence of the third-century philosopher Plotinus is given special attention. Symbolic meanings of major design elements are derived from the practices of Sufism.

    The “vision of a whole people” summarized the aim of W.B.Yeats to create a coherent literary and visual culture which would unite religious, aesthetic and practical concerns. The authors present an imaginative argument that Persian carpets express this ideal of a universally shared culture. 

    Imitating a spiritual pilgrimage, the journey begins with a relearning of the method of symbolic analogy that underlies Persian carpet design. For Plotinus, a comprehensive vision or theoria is the destination of the spiritual traveler. In Sufism, this is an earthly revelation of the divine pattern. In modern terms, a transformed consciousness seeks a unified perception of ordinary reality.

    Communicating on emotional and intellectual levels, The Persian Carpet: The Vision of a Whole People encourages a personal response to central themes of Iranian culture. More than technical knowledge, the goal is an identification with the human motivations and social concerns embodied in the carpet. 


James Turner is an independent researcher who co-authored The Inuit Imagination, a study of Inuit culture and its expression in visual art. 


Iraj Nouraie has had a longtime interest in Persian carpets and their connections to the social and cultural life of Iran


Dr. Fazlollah Reza has had influential careers in science, literature, diplomacy and education. Among his prominent positions, he was Chancellor of the University of Tehran and Iranian ambassador to Canada






Zaher va Baten: Outer Form and Inner Meaning in Iranian Textile Designs

 Ayineh: The Mirror in Persian Carpet Designs